The power of Seasonal purpose

Finding purpose in every season

September 01, 20244 min read

Finding purpose in Life’s transitions

Finding Purpose in every season

Change. It's a word that can evoke both excitement and fear, often simultaneously. For some, change is embraced as an opportunity for growth and renewal, while for others, it can be met with apprehension and resistance. I'll admit, I've often found myself in the latter camp – afraid of the unknown, hesitant to leave the comfort of familiarity behind. But life has a funny way of nudging us forward, urging us to embrace the seasons of change that inevitably come our way.

Identifying life’s transition periods and the importance of a coach’s guidance through them:

As someone who's no stranger to the grip of fear when faced with change, I've come to realize that transitions, though daunting, serve a purpose in the grand scheme of life. They challenge us to grow, adapt, and ultimately, discover new facets of ourselves that we never knew existed. Each transition, whether it be a career change, immigration, sending teenagers off to study, navigating divorce, or simply adjusting to life as a stay-at-home mom with young kids, brings with it its own set of unique challenges and opportunities for personal development when you discover the purpose of that season in your life.

It's during these times of transition that the support of a DNA True North coach can be invaluable. A coach serves as a guide, a confidant, and a source of encouragement as you navigate the uncharted territory of change. They provide a safe space for exploration, helping you to uncover your fears, deceptions, desires, and aspirations. Through reflective questioning and assessments as well as active listening, a coach can help you gain clarity and perspective amidst the chaos of transition.

Age related transitions:

Transition through life is a perpetual journey shaped by the passage of time. As we navigate the different stages of our existence, our priorities, passions, and goals undergo a metamorphosis, reflecting our evolving perspectives and experiences. In youth, aspirations may be buoyed by the excitement of exploration and self-discovery, fueled by a desire to carve out one's place in the world. However, as the years unfurl, responsibilities beckon, prompting a shift towards more pragmatic pursuits. Family, career, and personal fulfillment intertwine, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of what truly matters. With each passing milestone, we adapt, recalibrate, and redefine our trajectories, embracing new passions and discarding old ones in the continuous pursuit of growth and fulfillment. Whether propelled by the ardor of youth or the wisdom of age, the journey of transition encapsulates the essence of the human experience, a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the human spirit.

Career/job transition:

Take, for example, the experience of navigating a career change. It's a leap into the unknown, fraught with uncertainty and self-doubt. A DNA True North coach can help you identify your strengths, values, and passions, empowering you to pursue a path that aligns with your authentic self.


Similarly, the transition of immigration can be overwhelming, as you take the leap from familiar to complete unknown territory (literally). Finding joy and gratitude in this new adventure and replacing the fear of uncertainty as you navigate new customs, language barriers, and cultural differences. Understanding that Immigration truly is about finding happiness in the journey and not the destination and discovering your purpose in this new season of your life, will eliminate the doubts and regrets that might sneak up on you during this transition.


Divorce, too, is a major life transition that can shake the very foundation of your identity and sense of self-worth. A DNA True North coach can provide emotional support through practical guidance, helping you to heal and rebuild your life with confidence and resilience.


And let's not forget the often overlooked transition of motherhood – particularly for those with young children at home. It's a season of immense joy, but also one of sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and a constant juggling act of responsibilities. A coach can offer support and validation as you navigate the challenges of motherhood, helping you to prioritize self-care and find balance amidst the chaos.

Conclusion :

Ultimately, life's seasonal transitions, though intimidating, serve a purpose in our journey towards self-discovery and personal growth. With the support of a DNA True North coach, you can navigate these transitions with grace and resilience, emerging stronger and more empowered on the other side.

So, as daunting as change may seem, remember that it's simply another chapter in the beautiful tapestry of life – one that holds the promise of new beginnings, growth, and endless possibilities. Embrace it with an open heart, and trust that you have everything you need to thrive, no matter what season of life you find yourself in.


Ilne Nienaber is a remarkable figure who has seamlessly transitioned from a successful 20-year acting career in South Africa to a dedicated Purpose Coach in Canada. Drawing from her extensive experience in navigating significant life changes, Ilne offers profound insights and practical tools through her DNA True North coaching program. Her unique background as an actress has endowed her with a deep understanding of personal transformation and resilience, enabling her to guide others with empathy and expertise. Ilne's coaching methodology is rooted in the belief that everyone can discover and align with their true purpose, and she is passionately committed to helping her clients achieve this alignment for a more fulfilling life.

Ilne Benadie

Ilne Nienaber is a remarkable figure who has seamlessly transitioned from a successful 20-year acting career in South Africa to a dedicated Purpose Coach in Canada. Drawing from her extensive experience in navigating significant life changes, Ilne offers profound insights and practical tools through her DNA True North coaching program. Her unique background as an actress has endowed her with a deep understanding of personal transformation and resilience, enabling her to guide others with empathy and expertise. Ilne's coaching methodology is rooted in the belief that everyone can discover and align with their true purpose, and she is passionately committed to helping her clients achieve this alignment for a more fulfilling life.

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